
The Lantern Covers IKS Film Screening Event
The Lantern, OSU's official, daily student-published newspaper, ran an article on the October 11 IKS-organized screening of the film Ode to My Father and the screening's accompanying discussion,…

OCAPA Lecture Fund Established
The Institute for Chinese Studies (ICS) is tremendously pleased to announce the creation of the Ohio Chinese American Professional Association (OCAPA) Lecture Fund, which will help to partially…

2017-18 FLAS Fellowship competition opens
EASC is seeking applications for fellowships for summer 2017 and academic year 2017-18 under the U.S. Department of Education's Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship program…

Autumn 2016 EASC Program Calendar
The East Asian Studies Center's (EASC) Autumn 2016 events calendar is now available for download or printing. It includes information on lectures, conferences, performances, and other events…
Global Teacher Seminar brings international water security issues to Central Ohio classrooms
In Summer 2016, the East Asian Studies Center at The Ohio State University hosted a global teacher seminar on “Water Security for the 21st Century,” in partnership with OSU’s Department of…

EASC and Columbus State Community College partner to develop East Asian history learning modules
The East Asian Studies Center (EASC) at The Ohio State University and the Columbus State Community College (CSCC) Humanities Department completed a two-year curriculum development project this…

New course on "Urban China" to be offered in Spring 2017
Prof. Max Woodworth of the Department of Geography will be offering a new course in Spring 2017 titled "Urban China: Space, place, and urban transformation." It will be listed as Geography 5503.…

EASC relocates to Enarson Classroom Building
The East Asian Studies Center, along with the other units of the Office of International Affairs, moved to a new location on August 1. Please note that our offices are no longer in Oxley Hall. We…

EASC, DEALL host Japanese Interpretation Workshop
The East Asian Studies Center and the Department for East Asian Languages and Literatures hosted a Japanese interpretation workshop Monday, May 9 - Friday, May 13. The workshop was led by Dr. Anna…