Course on "Two Koreas" to be offered in Spring 2017 as part of Korean eSchool

November 3, 2016

Course on "Two Koreas" to be offered in Spring 2017 as part of Korean eSchool

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As part of an effort to build a system of shared courses with Korean content among a number of Midwestern schools, the institutional members of the Big Ten Academic Alliance, with funding from the Korea Foundation and coordination from the University of Michigan, offer a series of area studies courses on a variety of Korean topics. These course offerings have small enrollments, are simulcast among multiple universities, and make extensive use of internet-based technologies. The East Asian Studies Center and Institute for Korean Studies coordinate and support the offering of these courses at The Ohio State University. In Spring 2017, OSU will participate with the following course:

International Studies 5050: "Two Koreas: Political Economy of Regional Rivalry"
Tuesdays/Thursdays, 2:20 - 3:40 p.m., 243 Enarson Classroom Building
Taught by Dr. Young-Bae Hwang at The Ohio State University and shared via videoconference technology with Indiana University and the University of Iowa


The main objective of this course is to provide students with the introductory understanding on the Korean peninsula. While we look at various theoretical and historical explanations, this course will focus on the nature of North and South Korean regional rivalry and its global impacts. Students will examine various security issues including North Korean nuclear threat, military alliances, and reunification prospects. In addition, students will discuss several economic issues such as the differential growth paths, South Korea's rapid growth, and recent economic woes in both Koreas.

Students may register for the courses via Buckeyelink. Contact Prof. Mitch Lerner, director of the Institute for Korean Studies, at with any questions.