Interested in developing your Chinese, Japanese or Korean language skills while also designing your own personalized interdisciplinary study of East Asia?
The Ohio State University’s Interdisciplinary East Asian Studies Master of Arts Program allows you to do just that, placing heavy emphasis on interdisciplinary study as well as the development of appropriate language skills as a foundation for work in related professional and academic careers.
Building on the rich resources of The Ohio State University, the program affords students the opportunity to study with 58 faculty in 27 disciplines and access to an outstanding and ever-expanding library collection of East Asian language materials and numerous study abroad opportunities.
Interdisciplinary MA in East Asian Studies Information Session
Prospective students are invited to attend an Interdisciplinary MA in East Asian Studies Information Session, to be held via Zoom. Each session will include an overview of the MA program, details on how to apply, information on potential funding, and will provide an opportunity to ask questions. Registration is required.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. REGISTER
Monday, October 21, 2024, 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. REGISTER
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, 8:00-9:30 pm. REGISTER
The Interdisciplinary Master of Arts in East Asian Studies is designed to be a two-year interdisciplinary and terminal degree program for students who desire concentrated training in East Asian language and culture. The degree prepares students for continuing study of East Asia in a discipline-specific Ph.D. program or for non-academic careers in:
• government or the military
• pre-college and community college education
• administration of non-profit institutions with related cultural missions
• the private sector in fields such as law, journalism, business, etc.
Program Requirements
For the regular track, the program requires 37 graduate credits and at least 12 credits of East Asian language study. It typically takes two academic years to complete. All students take the one-credit "Introduction to Graduate-Level East Asian Studies" course four times during their program to learn broad theoretical and methodological issued associated with area studies perspectives. In addition, students choose one geographical area of East Asia (China, Japan, or Korea) and a discipline of concentration. Students also take courses in other areas and/or disciplines. Students take the East Asian language of their choice during each term they are enrolled in the program, and are required to complete at least the third level of the language before graduation. In consultation with their M.A. advisory committee, students choose either a thesis or non-thesis track.
The Mid-Career Professional Track and Dual BA/MA Track have different requirements. For detailed information on program requirements of each track, see the student handbook.
Course Offerings
OSU’s East Asian course offerings are growing annually, with 88 East Asian language courses and nearly 400 East Asian area studies courses offered annually. The home of the only federally-funded National East Asian Language Resource Center, OSU’s East Asian language offerings are second to none. We offer six years of Chinese language instruction, five of Japanese, and four of Korean through the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures. OSU also offers summer intensive language programs that allow students to complete a full year of language study in just one summer.
Application Deadlines
The deadline for priority applications (applicants seeking funding) is November 30, 2024.
For applicants not seeking funding, the deadline is March 1, 2025.