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- “Selling Seoul”, Bobbie Mucha, Columbus 06
- A Travel Guide to Japan, Thomas Trang, Columbus 17
- Amazing Race, Susan Stroh & Linda Glave, Toledo 05
- Art, Culture and the Atomic Tragedy in Japan, Grovine Buffington, Cleveland 12
- Asian Studies Unit: China, Ellen Miller and Natalie Mroz, Columbus 04
- Asian Studies Unit: Japan, Ellen Miller and Natalie Mroz, Columbus 04
- Asian Studies Unit: Korea, Ellen Miller and Natalie Mroz, Columbus 04
- Asian World Powers Unit: China, Ellen Miller, Granville 09
- Asian World Powers Unit: Japan, Ellen Miller, Granville 09
- Asian World Powers Unit: Korea, Ellen Miller, Granville 09
- Bullet Trains in Japan and Korea, Jan Wagoner, Oxford 09
- China is Unique, Melinda Jurus, Columbus 04
- Chinese Contributions to the World, Beth Schmidt, Cincinnati 06
- Chinese Inventions, Alaric Harris, Cincinnati 06
- Chinese Research Project, Gary Fitchpatrick, Cleveland 12
- Chinese Zodiac, Mary Hughes Bachelor, Delaware 13
- Comparing Data, Dan Vallette, Columbus 04
- Comparing the Cultural Tradition of Masks in Japanese and Igo Culture, Tara Fox, Columbus 16
- East Asia and the World, Willard, Cincinnati 06
- East Asia End of Unit: Comic Strip, Animation or Video & Attachment 1 & Attachment 2 & Teaching Resource, Diana Harbin, Columbus 21
- East Asia, Lori Nickel, Columbus 04
- East Asian Societies and Attachment, Timothy Sebetich, Columbus 20
- Education Equity, Samantha Davis, Columbus 17
- Further Reading, Thomas Ulrich, Toledo 05
- General Unit on China, Edward Radcliffe, Marietta 08
- General Unit on Japan, Edward Radcliffe, Marietta 08
- Hot beverages are a hot topic! Carah Casler, Columbus 19
- Introduction to Japan, Christopher W. Miller, Columbus 16
- Introduction to Korea, Barbara Huntwork, Delaware 13
- Introduction to Korea, Rita Limbert, Columbus 16
- Introduction to Korea, Susan Mendenhall, Wooster 07
- Japan: Land of the Rising Sun, Ruth Beschta, Columbus 04
- Japanese Kites, Christine Cavalier, Marietta 08
- Journey to Tibet, Rob Fetters, Columbus 04
- Korean Culture, Grovine Buffington, Cleveland 12
- Korean Language, Culture, & History, Hui-Ling Haldeman, Cleveland 05
- Korean Show and Tell & Teaching Resource, Ann Schumacher, Columbus 21
- Language, Literature, the Arts, Beliefs, and Values, Toni Foltz, Toledo 05
- Lost Inside My Own Skin: A Korean Women’s American Adoption, Kerry Dugan, Oxford 09
- My Tangram Animals & Teaching Tool, Mei-Lin Wang, Columbus 21
- Organic Chinese Food, Marjorie Langston, Columbus 17
- Perspectives on China, Theodore Wilson III, Oberlin 10
- Perspectives on Japan, Theodore Wilson III, Oberlin 10
- Perspectives on Korea, Theodore Wilson III, Oberlin 10
- Planning a 2 week trip to Tokyo, Kyoto, and Hiroshima, David Fawcett, Columbus 06
- Population Density in Japan: A Simulation, Pamela Thompson, Oberlin 10
- Population Facts and Figures, James Velo, Columbus 06
- Shikata Ga Nai: It Can’t Be Helped or Can it? Abuse of Jap.-American Civil Liberties in WWII, Lesa Bame, Oxford 09
- South Korea, Lori Nickel, Columbus 04
- State Capacity: Comparing the United States & China, Frank Casey, Oberlin 10
- Stereotyping – Japan, Laurel Fitch, Columbus 16
- Taiwan modernization and Powerpoint, Holly Branch, Columbus 20
- The Impact of War on the Environment: Hiroshima, Kim Depue, Marietta 08
- Three Gorges Dam documentary, Edward Sope, Granville 09
- Time Travel: China, Japan, & Korea, Anita Russ, Cleveland 05
- Travel to South Korea, Carla Fletcher, Akron 08
- Unique Aspects of Korea, James Swift, Cincinnati 06
- What is the “Lineage” of South Korea after all?: Most Wired “Ancient” in Asia, Lesa Bame, Oxford 09
- When My Name Was Keoko, Rebecca Volkmann, Columbus 04
- Where in the World can I find a Healthy Diet?, Donna Shurr, Oberlin 10