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- Altered Books: A Self-Portrait, Shari Densel, Toledo 07
- Architectural Styles in Korea, Ralph King, Columbus 04
- Architecture of China: A Web-based Search, Jill Hurley, Columbus 04
- Art of Japan, Shari Densel, Toledo 07
- Buddhist Architecture, E. Mark Kreps, Delaware 13
- Chang’an vs. Washington DC, Matthew Yingling, Columbus 11
- China Rocks! Chinese Calligraphy on Stone, Una King, Wooster 07
- China/Kites, Mary Phillis-Hart, Athens 10
- Chinese Art: Botanical Motifs, Greg Walton, Columbus 04
- Chinese Dragons, Kim Aritonovich, Delaware 13
- Chinese Dragons, Leslie Burnham, Toledo 07
- Chinese Knotting, Bethany Boyd, Columbus 11
- Chinese Landscape Scrolls, Kathleen Fuller, Granville 09
- Chinese Paper Cuts, Patricia Banas, Columbus 04
- Contemporary Chinese Ink Painting, Pamela McDowell, Columbus 04
- Contemporary Japanese Relief Painting, Pamela McDowell, Columbus 04
- Contemporary Korean Collage, Mary Phillis-Hart, Athens 10
- Contemporary Korean Collage, Pamela McDowell, Columbus 04
- Cultural Place-setting Still life – Advanced Art, Shelley Harvan, Cleveland 05
- Dragons of China, Shari Densel, Toledo 07
- Dragons, Michelle Mrakovich, Cleveland 05
- Drawing Anime Style, Rebecca Pope, Columbus 04
- East Asian Art & Cultural Elements, Tracy Wienhold, Cleveland 05
- Epic Poetry, Greogory Booth, Granville 09
- Folding Screen in the Rinpa Painting Style of Japan, Barbara Porter, Delaware 13
- Gung Hay Fat Choy / The Chinese New Year, Susan Stroh & Linda Glave, Toledo 05
- Himeji vs. Harlech Bulletin Boards: Comparing the Similarities and Differences of Medieval Castles, Rose Schlosser, Columbus 04
- Homemade Chinese Paper, Erin Santangelo, Toledo 07
- How the “Opening of the West Influenced Japanese Art and Powerpoint, Sara Beardsley, Columbus 19
- Hua Mu Lan, Jill Davis, Oxford 09
- Integrating Anime & Manga into my Art of Motion Picture Course, Loraine Hammack, Cleveland 05
- Isamu Noguchi, Patricia Banas, Columbus 04
- Japan/ Kirigami Chain People, Mary Phillis-Hart, Athens 10
- Japanese Art Show, Candee Hurt, Oberlin 10
- Japanese Floating Lanterns, Kathleen Fuller, Granville 09
- Japanese Headbands, Mindy Wolfe, Marietta 08
- Japanese Poetry, Gregory Booth, Granville 09
- Japanese Printmaking, Dan Vallette, Columbus 04
- Japanese Shodo & PPT, Cathy Hart, Columbus 06
- Japanese Woodblock Prints, Leslie Burnham, Toledo 07
- Japanese Woodblocks and the Art of the Postcard, Laurie Marks, Oxford 09
- Japanese Zen Gardens, Kim Aritonovich, Delaware 13
- Korean Brush Painting, Kim Aritonovich, Delaware 13
- Korean Celadon, Laurie Marks, Oxford 09
- Korean Folk Paintings: The Symbolic Tiger, Jill Hurley, Columbus 04
- Landscape painting in the style of An Gyeon, Barbara Porter, Delaware 13
- Landscape Painting with Scroll Format, Barbara Porter, Delaware 13
- Modern Japanese Fashion, Loretta Gray, Cleveland 12
- Roof Tiles in Korean Architecture, Greg Walton, Columbus 04
- Self Portrait – Advanced Art, Shelley Harvan, Cleveland 05
- Sense and Sensibility: Ukiyo-e and the Transformation of Japanese Art , Cynthia Richards, Akron 08
- Song Dynasty Traditional Landscape Paintings, Rebecca Pope, Columbus04
- Symbology, and Ideograms, Jennifer Evans Kinsley, Delaware 13
- Temple Architecture, Erica Davis-Hernandez, Columbus 20
- The Celadon Glazes of Korea, Patricia Banas, Columbus 04
- The Tang Poets and Landscape Art, Jamie Foley , Columbus 06
- The World of the Play, Jetta Ries Fete, Oberlin 10
- Themes in Japanese Anime, Barbara McBrady , Cincinnati 06
- Traditional Japanese Homes: Past and Present, Sharon Drummond, Columbus 11