Brad Richardson Memorial Fund

Carrying on the legacy of Brad Richardson:

To build on Brad Richardson’s contribution to the OSU, the State of Ohio and the community of Japan-related scholars and professionals, the OSU Institute for Japanese Studies (IJS) has created the Brad Richardson Memorial Fund and seeks to grow it to the endowment level.  Brad Richardson was Distinguished University Professor in Political Science, the IJS founding Director, and a former Honorary Consul General of Japan for Ohio.  Brad passed away in 2015.  The Memorial Fund will be used to propel us vigorously towards the same goals that Brad promoted.  Namely, the funds will support academic and outreach activities that promote Japanese Studies on campus and that enhance the interest, knowledge and discourse on Japan-related topics in the academic communities and general public.  Until the contributions to the fund reach the endowment level, the fund shall function as a current-use fund.  

During the month of February 2024 for our BuckeyeFunder campaign seeks to raise $2,000 for the Brad Richardson Memorial Fund. Support for the Brad Richardson Memorial Fund is welcomed at any time at this website online or by check.  Please make checks payable to "The Ohio State University" and put "Brad Richardson Memorial Fund" in the memo line. Please mail to: The Institute for Japanese Studies, 140 Enarson Classroom Building, 2009 Milliken Rd., Columbus, OH 43210

Lectures supported by the Brad Richardson Memorial Fund: