OCAPA Lecture Fund Established

October 5, 2016

OCAPA Lecture Fund Established

Cai Image

The Institute for Chinese Studies (ICS) is tremendously pleased to announce the creation of the Ohio Chinese American Professional Association (OCAPA) Lecture Fund, which will help to partially support one or two scholars annually for our ICS lecture series.

The OCAPA Lecture Fund (#315648) was created thanks to a donation of $13,000 from the Ohio Chinese American Professional Association (OCAPA), a non-profit organization whose mission, until its termination this month, has been to promote the professional, educational, social, economic, and cultural well-being of Chinese-Americans residing in the state of Ohio. It was co-founded by the late Professor Wen-Lang Li of The Ohio State University and Dr. Hwa-Wei Lee, Dean of the Ohio University Libraries. Hence, one of the two co-founders was our own OSU faculty member in Sociology.

We hope that additional donations in the months and years ahead will enable the OCAPA Lecture Fund to continue to support the ICS lecture series for many years to come. Donations to the fund are tax-deductible. It would be wonderful if sufficient donations will enable the fund to be converted to that of an endowment. That would ensure a lasting legacy of the Ohio Chinese American Professional Association (OCAPA), and its enduring support of the Institute for Chinese Studies’ lecture series at The Ohio State University.

Donating to the OCAPA Lecture Fund 

Online Donation: 
To make a donation online, please visit https://www.giveto.osu.edu (or: http://go.osu.edu/ocapa-fund) and fill out the online form. Thank you!

Mail-in Check:  Please make checks payable to "The Ohio State University" and put "OCAPA Lecture Fund" in the memo line. Please mail to: Institute for Chinese Studies, 140 Enarson Classroom Building, 2009 Millikin Road, Columbus OH, 43210.