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2023-2024 IJS Events

Academic Programming

September 7, 2023
IJS Lecture: Michael Fisch
"Finessing Ecology: Experiments in the (N)ature of Post 3.11 Japan"

September 15, 2023
IJS Lecture: Taku Suzuki
"Art of Waiting: Acts of Citizenship among the Asylum Seekers in Japan"

September 19, 2023
IJS Lecture: Chelsea Foxwell
"Photography/Realism/War: The Case of the First Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95"

September 21, 2023
IJS Co-Sponsored Lecture: Noriko T. Reider
“Snow Woman: Yuki onna”

October 24, 2023
IJS Co-Sponsored Art Exhibition
Black Gold

October 26, 2023
IJS Film Screening: Minamata

October 27, 2023
IJS Lecture: Aileen Smith
"My 50-Year Journey: Minamata Followed by Fukushima"
October 31, 2023
IJS Lecture: Michiko Kaneyasu
"Language in Context: Creation of Meaning Through Interaction"
February 23, 2024
IJS 2024 Brad Richardson Memorial Lecture: Saori Katada
"The Indo-Pacific as Japan’s 21st-Century Grand Strategy"
April 13, 2024
IJS Conference
Centrality Reimagined: Geographical, Linguistic, and Temporal Space in East Asian Literary and Cultural Expression
June 8, 2024
IJS Workshop
Teaching Classical Japanese: A Practitioner’s Workshop, III