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2023-2024 IKS Events

Academic Programming

September 18, 2023
IKS Lecture: Iris K. Shim
"Cultural Specificity and the Korean Identity in Storytelling"

September 20, 2023
EASC Co-Sponsored Lecture: Pil Ho Kim
"K-Pop: A Century in the Making"
October 17, 2023
IKS Lecture: Soyoung Lee
"Defining 'Korea': Case Studies in Ceramics, in East Asian Context"
November 9, 2023
IKS Target Language Lecture: Mijin Won
"한국의 MZ 세대의 문화와 커뮤니케이션 특성" (Generation MZ in South Korea: Their Cultural and Communication Characteristics)
November 15, 2023
IKS Lecture: Jae-Cheon Lim
"Governing Styles of North Korean Leaders"
November 28, 2023
IKS Lecture: Paul Chang
"Reinventing Family: Development, Democracy, and Demographic Crisis in South Korea"
January 22, 2024
IKS Lecture: Robert Kelly
"North Korean Nuclear First Use and Alliance Response"
February 14, 2024
IKS Lecture: Inho Lee
"K-Robots: Navigating the Cutting Edge of South Korea's Robot Industry"
March 8, 2024
IKS Lecture: Ildong Joe
"From Music Notes to Sound – Change of Musical Technology and Practice on the Korean Popular Music in the 1980-1990’s"
March 26, 2024
IKS Lecture: Sung-Ock Sohn
"Service-Learning in Korean: Community-Engaged Teaching and Research"
April 2, 2024
IKS Lecture: Jooyeon Rhee
"Fugitive Masculinity and the Empire of Crime: Mapping Race and Gender in Yŏm Sangsŏp’s Fiction"
April 16, 2024
IKS Lecture: Taeho Kim
키워드로 보는 지금의 한국 사회 (Present Portrait of Korea: Key Words Depicting Societal Changes and Concerns)
April 17, 2024
IKS Lecture: Hyunjoon Park
"Korean Millennials: Their Views on Dating and Marriage"