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- “Second Star to the Left and Straight on ‘Til Morning” – Spreadsheet Driven Exploration on Pacific Asian Geography, Scott Lightfoot, Toledo 05
- A General Understanding of China’s Geography, Culture, and History, Toni Foltz, Toledo 05
- Asian Country Projects, Telisha LeFloria, Akron 08
- China’s Grand Canal, Sharon Drummond, Columbus 11
- China’s Influence in the ancient World: Cultural Diffusion along the Silk Road and Globalization Past and Present, Elizabeth Bank, Columbus 16
- China’s River Valleys, Dan Vallette, Columbus 04
- China-The Effect of European Imperialism/Geography & Attachment, Eric C. VonBerg, Columbus 17
- Chinese Civilization in Relation to Geography, Rhoda Erdman, Cleveland 05
- Chinese Rivers, Christine Cavalier, Marietta 08
- Cities of South Korea, Candee Hurt, Oberlin 10
- Comparing and Contrasting North and South Korea, Molly Krist, Akron 08
- Data Comparison & Interpretation: North Korea, South Korea, and the United States, Mona Al-Hayani, Toledo 07
- Debating the Three Gorges Dam Project, Rose Schlosser, Columbus 04
- Disputed Land, Bobbie Mucha, Columbus 06
- Five Themes of Geography, Andrea Dumolt, Columbus 04
- Geography of China, Betsy Beaver, Delaware 13
- Geography of China, Maryann Harris, Cleveland 05
- Geography of Japan, Maryann Harris, Cleveland 05
- Geography of Korea, Maryann Harris, Cleveland 05
- Growing, Growing, Gone, Pamela Thompson, Oberlin 10
- Hong Kong vs. Shanghai, Tom Molnar, Columbus 04
- How did Japanese Occupation impact Korea in comparison to Taiwan?, Regina Feldman, Cleveland 12
- How did the geographic location and landform of Korea affect the development of the country?, Lynn Swaney, Columbus 17
- How Do You Get to Korea?, Amy Netter, Toledo 05
- I Can’t Keep Up With Choo: Korean Baseball and Geography, Ryan Ryzner, Cleveland 12
- International Relations, Candee Hurt, Oberlin 10
- Introduction to East Asia Geography and Contemporary Issues Investigation, Luke Sundermeier, Columbus 20
- Japan and the Ring of Fire, Melinda Jurus, Columbus 04
- Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Bethany Boyd, Columbus 11
- Japan: Seismic Activity and its Effects, Allison Hebeler, Oxford 09
- Japan’s Military Expansion: Does it Make for a Safer East Asia?, Mike Swank, Akron 08
- Japanese Baseball Geography, Ryan Ryzner, Cleveland 12
- Korean Geography Project, Gary Fitchpatrick, Cleveland 12
- Korean Geography Web Research, Brent Martin, Granville 09
- Korea-Split in 2, but portrayed through UNESCO/Geography, Eric C. VonBerg, Columbus 17
- Map Work About the Korean War, Kathy Swanger, Columbus 04
- Modern Japan: Tsunami Relief, Mitchell Clark, Toledo 05
- North and South Korea Geography Travel Hunt, Telisha LeFloria, Akron 08
- Pearl River Delta: A Documentary, Ed Rebmann, Columbus 11
- Physical Geography of China, David Parish, Wooster 07
- Rural- Urban Migration, Jeanne Bolton, Columbus 16
- The Geography of European Imperialism: Spheres of Influence in China, Melissa Ryan, Wooster 07
- The Geography of Mainland China, Pete Ewing, Columbus 04
- The Role of Korea’s Geography in Asian Cultural Diffusion, Kathleen Allan, Oxford 09
- The Silk Road, Mat Dunham, Columbus 11
- The Yangtze River: Lifeline of China, Ruth Beschta, Columbus 04
- The Yellow River: China Comes to Life, Kerry Dugan, Oxford 09
- Trade Between China, Korea, & Japan, Marcia Shaefer, Granville 09
- Using Graphs to Compare Data, Charlee Raddish, Akron 08