
OSU students take top honors in the Japanese Language Speech Contest
The Institute for Japanese Studies in co-sponsorship with the Japan-America Society of Central Ohio and the Japanese Student Organization announced the results of the 14th Annual Japanese Speech…

York Centre for Asian Research hosts graduate student conference in April of 2013
The York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) is currently organizing a graduate student conference, titled "(Re)constructions: Researching and Rethinking Asia," April 26 – 27, 2013 on York University…

Columbus Council on World Affairs presents Dr. Oded Shenkar
As part of its Signature Luncheons series, the Columbus Council on World Affairs, in co-sponsorship with the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University is pleased to host Dr. Oded…

Global Gateways faculty information session and luncheon offered
The Office of International Affairs invites faculty to attend an information session to learn more about Ohio State’s Global Gateways – the university’s liaison offices in China and India – on…

IUP hosts 2013 Asian Studies Undergraduate Regional Conference
The Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) is pleased to host the 2013 Asian Studies Undergraduate Regional Conference March 1-3, 2013 on the IUP campus in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Undergraduate…

McConnell Arts Center in Worthington, OH features works by Japanese artists
From October 25 – January 6, 2013 the Peggy R. McConnell Center for the Arts in Worthington, OH will feature works of art from sister city Sayama, Japan. Sister cities since 1999, this exhibition…

Migiwa Orimo to present 3 Rooms of Kioku at UA Concourse Gallery
The East Asian Studies Center in co-sponsorship with the Ohio Arts Council, the Greater Columbus Arts Council, the Columbus Preparatory Academy and the Upper Arlington Concourse Gallery is pleased…

DIBAC hosts Japan and Ohio economic development seminar
The Dublin International Business Assistance Center in co-sponsorship with the Japan America Society of Central Ohio, the City of Dublin and Tech ColumbUS are pleased to present “Japan and Ohio—An…

AAS/SSRC dissertation workshop scheduled for March 18-21
The Association for Asian Studies in conjunction with the Social Sciences Research Council will be hosting a dissertation workshop, titled “Family, Gender and Generation,” scheduled for March 18-…