

New Korean area studies course offered for Fall semester 2014

As part of a newly-created effort to build an e-class system of shared courses with Korean content among a number of Midwestern schools, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) with funding…

Spring 2014 EASC expOSUre now available

The East Asian Studies Center invites you to view the electronic publication of the Spring 2014  EASC expOSUre newsletter. You can access the newsletter here. This issue includes many center…

EASC's Louise Loh Memorial Scholarship and Intensive Chinese Language Scholarship applications now available

The East Asian Studies Center announces the availability of applications for the 2014 Louise Zung-Nyi Loh Memorial Scholarship. Graduate and undergraduate students in any department who have an…

2014-15 FLAS Fellowship Competition Opens

EASC is seeking applications for fellowships for summer 2014 and academic year 2014-15 under the U.S. Department of Education's Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship program…

Controversies in Contemporary Korea

New Spring 2014 Korean area studies courses offered

As part of a newly-created effort to build an e-class system of shared courses with Korean content among a number of Midwestern schools the following new course offerings will have small…

Etsuyo Yuasa appointed as new EASC Director

In May 2013, Associate Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategies Kelechi Kalu announced the appointment of Dr. Etsuyo Yuasa as director of the East Asian Studies Center, effective…

Spring 2013 EASC expOSUre now available

The East Asian Studies Center invites you to view the electronic publication of the Spring 2013 EASC expOSUre newsletter. You can access the newsletter at…

Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) competition announced

The U.S. Department of Education has announced the 2013 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) grant competition. The application deadline is June 3, 2013. Approximately $3,…

Judy Andrews receives 2013 University Distinguished Scholar Award

The Distinguished Scholar Award, established in 1978, recognizes exceptional scholarly accomplishments by senior professors who have compiled a substantial body of research. Supported by the…