Spring 2014 EASC expOSUre now available

March 24, 2014

Spring 2014 EASC expOSUre now available

The East Asian Studies Center invites you to view the electronic publication of the Spring 2014  EASC expOSUre newsletter. You can access the newsletter here. This issue includes many center events, news from the East Asian library team, faculty and student updates, as well as the following feature articles: 
Center news: Thanks to a proposal submitted by IJS, read about OSU being chosen as a testing site for the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test.
Focus on Cantonese: Read about the growth of OSU's Cantonese program in both language and area studies course offerings as well as faculty research.
Focus on professionalization of students: See examples of EASC's many efforts to provide students with interests in East Asia career guidance and opportunities for professional growth, including through our internship programs, culture workshops, "Buckeyes Going Global" events, and the newly-created Ohio-Japan Alumni Network.
Focus on higher education partnerships: Collaboration with other Big Ten universities for the Korean e-School is featured, as well as our new partnership with Columbus State Community College.
Faculty news: A tribute to EASC's first director, Dr. Samuel C. Chu, is included, along with an introduction to our four new faculty members.
Alumni news: Read why Stuart Birkby, PhD 2012, gives back to EASC.
We hope you enjoy reading about these topics as much as we enjoyed featuring them in this latest issue of EASC expOSUre. Enjoy!