

FLAS Fellowship applications now available

EASC is seeking applications for fellowships for Summer 2013 and Academic Year 2013-14 under the U.S. Department of Education's Title VI Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship program…

CHINOPERL website launched

CHINOPERL -- Chinese Oral and Performing Literature (中國演唱文藝研究會) -- is an organization that is devoted to the research, analysis and interpretation of oral and performing traditions, and their…

Teach for China now accepting applications

Today, less than 3% of children born in rural China have the opportunity to pursue higher education. Established in 2008, Teach For China is inspired by the vision that one day, all Chinese…

Huntington International Fellowship now accepting applications

Those studying a language with interest and supporting work in international business and trade should apply for a Huntington International Fellowship for study abroad. The Huntington funds are…

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion offers research and conference grants

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is inviting proposals for research and conference projects that have as their central focus an interdisciplinary exploration of such topics as: race,…

"Teaching about Asia" seminar to begin in Delaware on January 17

With generous support from the Freeman Foundation, EASC coordinates the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA) programs for the state of Ohio. NCTA is an eleven-week seminar series…

Denison to host a symposium on art history

The Art History Program at Denison University will host a symposium, titled "Space & Place: New Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences," this Saturday, January 26 from 1 - 4:00 p.m. in…

65th annual Japan-America Student Conference now accepting applications

International Student Conferences would like to invite your students to one of the oldest student-run cultural exchange program in the United States: the Japan-America Student Conference (JASC).…

Autumn 2012 EASC expOSUre now available

The East Asian Studies Center invites you to view the electronic publication of the Autumn 2012 EASC expOSUre newsletter. This issue includes many center events in addition to the following…