2015-2016 "EASC expOSUre" now available

May 20, 2016

2015-2016 "EASC expOSUre" now available

EASC expOSUre cover

The East Asian Studies Center invites you to view the electronic publication of the Academic Year 2015-2016  EASC expOSUre newsletter. You can access the newsletter here. This issue includes announcements on awards of distinction, reports on select center events, faculty and student updates, as well as the following feature articles: 

Impact on student learning and faculty research: Read about how EASC has contributed to the academic mission of the university over the last five years, from providing student fellowships and scholarships to supporting degree programs and course offerings, from providing professionalization opportunities to hosting cultural events, and from sponsoring conferences and lectures to augmenting resources for research.

Remembering Professor Brad Richardson: Professor Richardson’s accomplishments and contributions to the fields of Japanese politics and US-Japan relations are featured. Learn how EASC is honoring his legacy with a memorial lecture and how the community has rallied to support the Brad Richardson Memorial Fund.

Focus on Korean eSchool: IKS’ participation in the CIC-wide Korean eSchool consortium brings new Korean courses to campus and shares OSU courses with other institutions via videoconference technology. Featured is Chan Park’s course on Korean performance traditions offered in Spring 2016.

Focus on academic programming: EASC and the institutes’ 2015-2016 lectures, conferences, films and performances are listed. Featured are conferences led by three China faculty members, Marjorie Chan, Meow Hui Goh and Patricia Sieber.

Focus on outreach: Read about EASC’s efforts to reach teachers, business leaders, students and the community through our various outreach events and projects. The Ohio-Japan Alumni Network, collaboration with Lakeland Community College, the Chinese business seminar series and teacher training programs are highlighted.

Faculty news: Two new faculty members, Melissa Curley and Anne Marie Davis, are introduced. 

We hope you enjoy reading about these topics as much as we enjoyed featuring them in this latest issue of EASC expOSUre. Enjoy!