Learn about Sijo (Korean Poetry) from the Sijo expert, Dr. Mark Peterson, Brigham Young University on Wednesday, April 7 from 6:00 – 7:30pm, EST and how to incorporate it in the classroom. Your chance to ask questions! As a stand-alone program or to complement EASC's Asynchronous Sijo (Korean Poetry) Workshop. Don’t forget about the classroom activity or extra credit opportunity - Ohio Sijo Student Competition. Students new to Sijo? No problem, materials available to help them learn about and write Sijo poetry.
Synchronous Sijo Teacher Workshop:
- April 7, 2021. 6:00 - 7:30pm EST, online
- Dr. Mark Peterson, Brigham Young University - introduce Sijo and answer questions
- Denise Sizemore, Columbus North International School - discuss incorporating Sijo in the classroom
- Professional Development (1.5) contact hours
- Resource material available for completing the workshop
- As stand-alone or complement to Asynchronous Sijo Teacher Workshop
Asynchronous Sijo Teacher Workshop (registration link)
Ohio Sijo Student Competition (link)
Coordinated by the East Asian Studies Center at The Ohio State University (OSU). Sponsors: Korea Foundation and a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant to the East Asian Studies Center at The Ohio State University.