
Recent News

The East Asian Studies Center's (EASC) Autumn 2024 events calendar is now available for download and printing. It includes information on lectures, conferences, performances, and other events…

Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures’ Japanese majors Logan Conrad and Trevor Strahler, Department of Materials Science and Engineering’s welding engineering students Simran Singh…

The East Asian Studies Center hosted a delegation of scholars from Central Asia, as part of the US-CARNet (US-Central Asia Research Network) project. This project, which is specifically…

On April 5th, the East Asian Studies Center co-sponsored a Korean culture night, Harmony in Motion:A Night of Korean Arts and Performance, bringing students and professors together to appreciate…

People Directory

William Chou
Graduate Student, History
Hannah Slater
Graduate Student, History of Art
Alissa Elegant
Graduate Student, Dance