Summer 202 Area Studies Courses

Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics

4597.01 Food, Population, and the Environment (3 credits)

Business Administration: Management and Human Resources

2000 Introduction to International Business (1.5 credits)

East Asian Languages and Literatures


5310 Strategies for Performance-Oriented Language Learning: Practicum (3 credits)


2283 Chinese Calligraphy (3 credits)


2797 Study Abroad in Korea (3 credits)



1681 World History to 1500 (3 credits)

1682 World History from 1500 to Present (3 credits)

History of Art

2901 Introduction to World Cinema (3 credits)

International Studies

4597.01 Food, Population, and the Environment (3 credits)


2120 Asian Philosophies (3 credits)

Political Science

1300 Global Politics (3 credits)

4310 Security Policy (3 credits)