Summer 2013 Area Studies Courses

Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics

  • 4597.01  Problems and Policies in World Population, Food, and Environment U 3
    Problems related to world-wide population increases, food production, and associated environmental stress; policy options for lessening these problems, especially in low-income countries.

Business Administration

Management and Human Resources

  • 2000 Introduction to International Business U 1.5
    Basic coverage of world trade and investment problems, and introduction to multinational corporation strategies and the various types of environments in which they do business.

Management Sciences

  • 7266 MBOE Leading Operations 3
    The explicit link between problem solving and lean activities such as policy management, standardized work, visual management, human resources management and "go see" (gemba) activities are explained.

Comparative Studies

  • 2370H  Honors Introduction to Comparative Religion 3
    Introduction to the academic study of religion through comparison among major traditions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) and smaller communities.
  • 7193  Individual Studies 1-9
    Designed to give able students an opportunity to pursue special studies not otherwise offered.
  • 7999 Research in Comparative Studies: Thesis 1-12
    Research for Master's thesis.
  • 8998 Research in Comparative Studies: Candidacy Examination G 1-12
    Research in preparation for PhD exams.
  • 8999 Research in Comparative Studies: Dissertation G 1-12
    Research for dissertation.

East Asian Languages and Literatures


  • 4193  Individual Studies U 1-3
    Directed study to meet individual research needs of students in East Asian studies. Not a substitute for regular language courses.
  • 5310 Strategies for Performance-Oriented Language Learning: Practicum 3
    An overview of language-learning strategies and practice in applying them to learning of East Asian languages.
  • 7700 Learning East Asian Languages in Cross-Cultural Contexts: College Level 1-3
    Principles and practices of teaching an East Asian language as a foreign language at post-secondary level American institutions.
  • 7703 Presentation of East Asian Languages and Cultures: College Level 1-2
    Preparation and presentation of curriculum and syllabus for East Asian language program at the college level.
  • 7704 Teaching Practicum in East Asian Languages: College Level 1-5
    Training as a classroom teacher through practice teaching to college students and the observation of classes taught by trainees and master teachers.
  • 8701 Teaching East Asian Languages at the College Level 3
    Methods and techniques of teaching college-level East Asian languages; selection and preparation of teaching, testing, and laboratory materials; observation of a variety of language classes.


  • 6193 Individual Studies 1-3
    Directed study to meet individual research needs of students in Chinese studies. Not a substitute for regular language courses.
  • 6998 Research in Chinese Project 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of a project other than a conventional MA thesis.
  • 6999 Research in Chinese: Thesis 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of an MA thesis.
  • 8998 Research in Chinese: Project 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of a project other than a conventional dissertation.
  • 8999 Research in Chinese: Dissertation 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of a dissertation.


  • 4999H Honors Undergraduate Research Thesis 3
    Focused research toward completion of an original thesis.
  • 6193 Individual Studies 1-3
    Requires the use of Japanese sources and the completion of a paper reflecting the student’s research. Not a substitue for regular language courses.
  • 6998 Research in Japanese: Project 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of a project other than a conventional MA thesis.
  • 6999 Research in Japanese: Thesis 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of an MA thesis.
  • 8998 Research in Japanese: Project 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of a project other than a conventional dissertation.
  • 8999 Research in Japanese: Dissertation 1-3
    Research leading to the completion of a dissertation.


  • 5650 International Commodity Flows: Theory and Policy U G 3
    Comparative advantage and the gains from trade; tariffs and other trade restrictions; economic effects of protective policies; U.S. commercial policies; regional economic integration.


  • 2750 World Regional Geography U 3
    An examination of the human and physical geographic structure of all world regions; defined primarily at the continental scale. Examines regions in global context.
  • 3597.01 World Urbanization U 3
    An examination of geographic aspects of the urbanization process in the world's major regions; interrelationships between urbanization and economic development.
  • 7193 Individual Studies in Geography 1-15
    Independent studies on selected Geography related topics.
  • 8999 Research in Geography: Dissertation 1-9
    Research for dissertation purposes only.


  • 1681 World History to 1500 U 3
    Comparative survey of the world's major civilizations and their interconnections from the beginnings of human civilization through 1500
  • 1682 World History, 1500 to Present U 3
    Survey of the human community, with an emphasis on its increasing global integration, from the first European voyages of exploration through the present.
  • 4400 Readings in Chinese History 3
    Topics and issues in any period of Chinese history contingent on interests of faculty and students; usually this course emphasizes readings and discussions.
  • 6999 Master’s Thesis Research 1-12
    Research for Master's thesis.
  • 7193.01 Individual Studies 1-6
    The investigation of particular problems in various fields of history through graduate-level individual studies.
  • 8999 Thesis Research 1-12
    Research for dissertation.

History of Art

  • 2901 Introduction to World Cinema U 3
    Chronological survey of the most influential and recognized film artists and film movements of the world.
  • 3901 World Cinema Today U 3
    An introduction to the art of international cinema today, including its forms and varied content.
  • 8999 Research in History of Art 1-3
    Research for dissertation purposes only.


  • 2250 Music Cultures of the World U 3
    A survey of musical cultures outside the Western European tradition of the fine arts.

Near Eastern Languages and Cultures

  • 5204 Culture and Politics in Central Asia 3
    Comparative study of cultural legacy and change, including religious and secular life and civil society development, in relation to political trends in Central Asia.


  • 2120 Asian Philosophies U 3
    A survey including at least three of the following major philosophical systems of Asia: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, and Confucianism.

Political Science

  • 1300 Global Politics U 3
    Cooperation and conflict in world politics. Covers basic theories of international relations and key issues, including security, political economy, international organizations, and the environment.
  • 7999 Research In Political Science 3
    Research for thesis purposes only.
  • 8999 Dissertation Research in Political Science 1-12
    Research for dissertation purposes only.


  • 6193  Individual Studies 1 - 9
    Individual Studies. Repeatable. This course is graded S/U.
  • 6999 Research for Thesis 1 – 12
    Research for thesis purposes only. Au and Sp Semesters Repeatable. This course is graded S/U.
  • 8999 Research for Dissertation 3
    Research for dissertation purposes only.