Summer 2015 EASC expOSUre now available

June 22, 2015

Summer 2015 EASC expOSUre now available

Summer 2015 EASC expOSUre cover
The East Asian Studies Center invites you to view the electronic publication of the Summer 2015  EASC expOSUre newsletter. You can access the newsletter here. This issue includes announcements on awards of distinction, reports on many center events, faculty and student updates, as well as the following feature articles: 
Focus on higher education partnerships: Read "Teaching Uzbek across state lines" to learn about EASC's partnership with other OSU units and the University of Michigan to make this least-commonly-taught language available to students on both campuses.
Focus on academic enrichment: ICS's collaboration with the Melton Center for Jewish Studies to host "China and the Jews in the Modern Era" is featured, along with brief snippets on 22 other academic enrichment events.
Focus on professionalization of students: See examples of IJS's work to foster a vibrant Ohio-Japan Alumni Network with events held at universities across the state featuring alumni talks on "The Role Japan-related Programs Played in My LIfe and Career."
Focus on cultural performances: IKS's folk music performance of "Korean Wind and Stream," which brought several internationally and nationally renowned artists from Korea and the US together in song, dance and instrumental performance, is featured.
Focus on teacher training and K-12 outreach: Learn about ICS's effort to bring 46 Chinese language learners from seven high schools in Greater Columbus to OSU to experience "Chinese Language and Culture Day."
Faculty news: Three Japan faculty who retired in Spring 2015, Professors Maureen Donovan, Tom Kasulis, and Jim Unger, are featured in tributes from colleagues and events in their honor.

Student news: EASC fellowship recipients share their experiences studying abroad.

We hope you enjoy reading about these topics as much as we enjoyed featuring them in this latest issue of EASC expOSUre. Enjoy!