May 15, 2019
Prof. Karen Mancl publishes online on environmental issues in rural China

Karen Mancl (professor, food, agricultural and biological engineering) is finishing up an internship with the China Environment Forum in Washington DC, during which she has been able to utilize all of her degrees in Environmental Science, East Asian Studies and Public Policy. She will graduate with her MA from the John Glenn College of Public Affairs in December. She has recently written several posts on environmental issues in rural China which were featured in NewSecurityBeat, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Environmental Change and Security Program blog: “China’s Hollow Villages Undergo a Transformation” (April 2019), “Reclaiming China’s Worn-out Farmland: Don’t Treat Soil Like Dirt” (May 2019), and “Not Too Big—Not Too Small—Just Right: Sand Bioreactor Wastewater Treatment in Chinese Villages" (May 2019).