Ohio State Faculty and Students to Present at 2023 Association for Asian Studies Conference

The 2023 Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Conference will be held in Boston, MA from March 16-19, 2023. The following EASC faculty and graduate students will present at the conference.
AAS In-Person Presentations
Shanghai’s “Ice Cream” in the 1930s: Liu Na’Ou’s Short Story “Attempted Murder” As Cinematic Fiction
Maika Kagawa Bahr, The Ohio State University
Upstream and Downstream: Conflict and Connection across Rivers in Imperial Japan
Philip Brown, Chair and Discussant, The Ohio State University
Creating through Exchanges: Cultural Contacts between the People’s Republic of China and Eastern Europe Under Communism
Julia Keblinska, Chair, The Ohio State University
Saigon in High Heels and Mini-Skirts: Changing Fashion and Gender Norms in South Vietnam’s Center of Culture, 1963-1967
Ryan Nelson, The Ohio State University
Social Network Analysis: Exchange Poetry in the Wen Xuan 文選 and Yutai Xinyong 玉臺新詠
Mengling Wang, The Ohio State University
Object, Inscription, Reproduction: The Cleverness of an Eighteenth-Century Chinese Jade Pebble
Yifan Li, The Ohio State University
Temples of Local Color: Representations of Taiwanese Identity
Christina Wei-Szu Burke Mathison, The Ohio State University
Hip-Hop Is Red: The Ideological Consent and Bodily Dissent in Chinese Hip-Hop Concert Dance Yellow River
Yujie Chen, The Ohio State University
“Redressive Acts” and Contemporary Art in Asia
Namiko Kunimoto, Chair, The Ohio State University
Goto Yasuka’s Long Story Short: Militarism and Japan’s Art Historical Present
Namiko Kunimoto, The Ohio State University
Motifs, Patterns, and Ornaments: Design Handbooks and 1980s Consumer Culture
Julia Keblinska, The Ohio State University
Representing Labor in Global Asias
Alexandra Mickle, Chair, The Ohio State University
The Promise of Automation: Factory Work in Cao Fei’s Artist Cinema
Alexandra Mickle, The Ohio State University
The Code of the Minefield: Risk, Race, and Hierarchy in Hvang Village
Erin Lin, The Ohio State University
Virtual Presentations:
Reimagining Asian Spaces: Vernacular Voices, Bodies, and Creativities
Mark Bender, Discussant, The Ohio State University
Northern Exposure: Past and Present Cultural Engagement out of North Korea
Pil Ho Kim, Organizer and Co-chair, The Ohio State University
Translating Double Trouble: Familial and National Crisis in the Twenty-First Century North Korean Films
Pil Ho Kim, The Ohio State University and Makayla W Cherry
The Making of a “Round” Great Man in the Three Kingdoms Era
Meow Hui Goh, The Ohio State University
Things Confucius Would Not Know: The Performance and Power of Storytelling in Religious Korea
Chan E. Park, Chair, The Ohio State University
Art, Geopolitics, Cold War: Drawing China’s Cultural Belt in the 1950s-Sponsored by Association for Chinese Art History
Julia F. Andrews, Discussant, The Ohio State University
Meetings held in conjunction with AAS
Council on East Asian Libraries (March 14)
"The Tools of the Trade: The Way Forward"
Ann Marie Davis, The Ohio State University
Council on East Asian Libraries (March 15)
“Campus Collaborations and Outreach: EDI and K-12 Literacies in East Asia”
Ann Marie Davis and Janet Smith, The Ohio State University
Council on East Asian Libraries (March 15)
Panel: Publishing
Ann Marie Davis, Host and Moderator, The Ohio State University
Chinoperl Conference (Online sessions)
“The Huajianji (花箋記): A Cantonese Opera Rendition of an Early Cantonese Love Ballad,”
Marjorie K.M. Chan 陳潔雯, The Ohio State University
Chinoperl Conference (In-person sessions)
“Popol Vuh and Book of Origins: Parallels, Inversions, Epic Futures,”
Mark Bender, The Ohio State University
“Resisting Ephemerality: Zou Diguang’s Poems on Theater and the Rhetoric of Memory,”
Erxin Wang 王尔馨, The Ohio State University