Ohio-Saitama Internship Program (OSCI) Deadline

Ohio - Saitama Company Internship (OSCI) Internship Program Applications now being accepted
Since 1991, the Institute for Japanese Studies has helped coordinate a summer internship program with Japanese firms in Saitama, Japan. The program is offered in conjunction with the sister-state agreement between Ohio and Saitama prefecture for Undergraduate or graduate students in any Ohio college or university who have an interest in Japanese business and culture and have studied at least three years of Japanese language. Applicants must hold U.S. passports. The purpose of the program is to provide young Ohioans with experience in the day-to-day operations of a Japanese business. Interns work in a position assigned by the host company’s personnel section. Ohio-Saitama Company Interns (OSCI) represent their state in its relationship with Saitama prefecture. Since 1991, 90 Ohio college students have participated in the OSCI program. Interns have been placed in a variety of companies and areas of business including: automobile parts manufacturing, printing, utilities, food and hospitality services, clothing manufacturing, construction and building materials distribution, cosmetics, and television program production. The internship period is from approximately the third week in June to the first week in August. Interns are required to pay for transportation to and from Japan and to provide proof of health insurance. However, once in Japan, interns are provided with room and board and a small incidental expense allowance.
Application deadline: Received by April 5, 2013!
OSCI Application (word file)
OSCI Application (pdf file)
For more information, please contact IJS at 614-292-3345 or stucky.7@osu.edu