Multiple conferences offered for graduate students in East Asian disciplines

January 29, 2013

Multiple conferences offered for graduate students in East Asian disciplines

Columbia University 22nd Annual Graduate Student Conference on East Asia
Graduate students are invited to submit papers for the Twenty-Second Annual Graduate Student Conference on East Asia, February 15-16, 2013. This two-day conference provides a forum for students from institutions around the world to meet and share ideas and research with their peers, as well as Columbia University faculty, to promote and circulate new ideas within the field of East Asian Studies. Applications from graduate students engaged in research on all fields in East Asian Studies, including history, literature, political science, economics, art history, religion, sociology, archaeology, law, environmental studies and anthropology are welcome. Applications are due November 20, 2012 and can be submitted by filling out the application form here, and including institutional affiliation, major area of study, title of your paper and a 250 word, print-ready abstract.

Asia Intertwined: The 16th Annual Harvard East Asia Society Conference
The Harvard East Asia Society invites currently enrolled graduate students from around the world, working across all disciplines to submit papers for its annual conference, which will be held on the weekend of February 22nd -24th, 2013 at Harvard University. The HEAS Graduate Student Conference is an annual event which provides an interdisciplinary forum for graduate students to exchange ideas and discuss current research on East Asia. The conference allows young scholars to present their research to both their peers and to eminent scholars in East Asian Studies. All panels will be moderated by Harvard University faculty. The conference will also allow participants to meet others in their field conducting similar research and to forge new professional relationships.

This year, the committee invites papers that are interdisciplinary in scope, and which explore and challenge the notion of East Asia as a discrete geographical region that can be cleanly and definitively periodized. Preference will be given to papers that locate their subjects within a broader Asian context, and which reconsider cultural, historical and political connections across space and time. To participate, complete and submit the HEAS Individual Paper Application Form, with an abstract of no more than 300 words, and a short bio of no more than 100 words. Submit both bio and abstract to by November 18th, 2012.

2013 Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference
Initiated in 2010, the annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities brings together current graduate students from across the US and around the world to present innovative research on any aspect of modern Chinese cultural production in the humanistic disciplines. The conference provides a window into current research in Chinese studies, and serves as a platform for fostering interaction among budding scholars of geographically disparate institutions, facilitating their exchange of ideas and interests. Specifically, the organizing committee hopes that this conference will encourage interdisciplinary scholarship within and between literary and cultural studies, cultural history, art history, film and media studies, musicology and sound studies, as well as the interpretative social sciences. This year the conference will take place April 26-27 on the Stanford University campus. Currently-enrolled graduate students at any institution are encouraged to apply. Conference registration is free, and presenters will be provided with lodging by the conference organizers.

To apply, submit a single-spaced 300-word paper proposal and short bio by November 16, 2012 through the online submission system.