JLPT 2018 Registration opens (8/27 - 10/1)

The Institute for Japanese Studies is pleased to announce the opening of the registration period for the 2018 Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) which will be administered in Columbus, OH on December 2, 2018. The registration period is August 27, 2018 – October 1, 2018 (9:00pm) via mail or online at http://www.aatj.org/jlpt-us. Developed in Japan, the JLPT has been used to evaluate the proficiency of non-native learners of Japanese through testing in countries across the globe. In the inaugural year of 1984, approximately 7,000 students took the test worldwide. Growing exponentially in popularity, in 2017, more than 600,000 students in 60 countries took the test including 5,500 in the U.S. at 18 different test sites. The JLPT measures the ability to communicate and looks at “Language Knowledge,” “Reading,” and “Listening.” There are 5 levels (N1, N2, N3, N4 and N5) with N1 being the most difficult. The JLPT will be given in the U.S. on Sunday, December 2, 2018. Each year registration for the JLPT can be made by mail or online only during the registration period. If you are not sure which level to take, please review a summary of each level: http://www.jlpt.jp/e/about/levelsummary.html. For sample questions from past JLPT tests please visit: http://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/forlearners.html. For more information please contact Janet Smith at smith.12674@osu.edu or 614-292-3345 or visit our website for updates about the JLPT: http://easc.osu.edu/jlpt