EASC Scholarship Competition Winners and Summer 2015 FLAS Recipients

EASC awards six scholarships in 2015 competition
The East Asian Studies Center is pleased to announce the winners of its Intensive Chinese Language Scholarship and the Louise Loh Memorial Scholarship. Two undergraduate students were chosen to receive the $1,500 Intensive Chinese Language Scholarship, created in 1985 to establish an incentive for students who will have careers in business, journalism, government and community service to pursue a dual major or a dual degree in Chinese and in another discipline. Four graduate students were selected to receive the Louise Loh Memorial Scholarship and will receive funds towards graduate coursework and/or research on East Asia. This year's winners are:
Harrison Fillmore, Chinese and pre-medicine double-major
Jacob Kursinskis, Chinese and international studies double-major
William Chou, history
Elise David, history of art
Minkyung Koh, geography
Wenyuan Shao, East Asian languages and literatures
EASC awards twelve Summer 2015 FLAS Fellowships
The East Asian Studies Center recently awarded 12 Summer 2015 Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships to two undergraduate and ten graduate students at Ohio State. Fellows will receive substantial tuition and fee support (up to $5,000) as well as a stipend ($2,500) to study Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language in an intensive summer program at either The Ohio State University, another domestic institution, or abroad.
Summer 2015 FLAS Fellowship awardees are:
Keegan Cothern, interdisciplinary East Asian studies
Francesco DiMarco, interdisciplinary East Asian studies
Adam Gerval, interdisciplinary East Asian studies
Kathleen Gladstone, interdisciplinary East Asian studies
Brian Li, economics / mathematics / Japanese
Abigail Mack, law
Arthur Oaden, interdisciplinary East Asian studies
Kristofer Sirevaag, East Asian languages and literatures
Adam Skov, East Asian languages and literatures
Kaitlyn Spehr, computer science and engineering
Rebeca Tang, teaching and learning
Rachel Wayne, East Asian languages and literatures