Columbus Japanese Women's Chorus (Hanamizuki no Kai)

18th Annual Concert
Church of the Redeeme r Moravian
3883 Summitview Rd., Dublin, OH
Doors open: 2:45 p.m.
Opening act: 3:15 p.m.
Performance: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
"Hanamizuki no Kai" was founded in 1995 by a group of Japanese women living in central Ohio. The chorus’ name translates literally as the "Dogwood Group". The name was chosen in honor of the early 1900s exchange of yoshino cherry trees and dogwood trees between the people of Japan and the United States. The trees, still growing strong in Washington DC and Tokyo today, symbolize the friendship and sharing between Japan and America. "Hanamizuki no Kai" hopes in its own way to share the gift of music and friendship here in central Ohio. Over the years, the chorus has performed at many locations throughout central Ohio and has sung a variety of lyrical songs, nursery rhymes, pop music, and folk songs in both Japanese and English.
Director: Kenichiro Matsuda
Accompanist: Tanya Matsuda
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