Call for Papers: 28th International Japanese-English Translation Conference (IJET-28)

July 5, 2016

Call for Papers: 28th International Japanese-English Translation Conference (IJET-28)

2016 Q&A Session

Call for Papers: The 28th International Japanese-English Translation Conference will provide an opportunity for professionals and researchers working on translation and/or interpreting involving the Japanese language to exchange ideas and information.

The conference theme is日英翻訳・通訳業界全体の底上げ, but individual and panel presentations on a wide range of topics and perspectives relevant to Japanese translation and interpreting are welcome, including specialized fields such as legal or medical translation and community or court interpreting, literary translation, the translation of pop culture, computer-aided translation, translator and interpreter training, and the business aspects of translation. The conference languages are English and Japanese.

Abstracts: Please submit an abstract of no more than 200 words by August 1, 2016. Include a separate bionote (up to 150 words) and indicate the desired length of your presentation. If the proposal is for a panel, indicate the number of speakers and include a bionote for each speaker.

Send abstracts to:         Judy Wakabayashi, IJET-28 Program Chair,
日時:                            2017年4月8~9日
場所:                            オハイオ州立大学キャンパス(
要旨提出締め切り:       2016年8月1日
要旨提出先:                 Judy Wakabayashi,

Successful applicants will be informed by September 15, 2016.

Organizing Committee:
Charles Aschmann
Betsy Bender
Cliff Bender
Nadine Edwards
Allyson Larimer
Damon Robinson
Judy Wakabayashi
Etsuyo Yuasa