Autumn 2012 EASC expOSUre now available

The East Asian Studies Center invites you to view the electronic publication of the Autumn 2012 EASC expOSUre newsletter. This issue includes many center events in addition to the following feature articles:
Focus on arts inititives:
A report on extramural funding secured and an article focusing on arts initiatives and partnership building.
Focus on US-Asia relations:
A series of articles highlighting various events, including an exhibit on the history of the Chinese in Columbus, the first ever gala honoring Ohio Asian leaders and more.
Focus on language, literature and linguistics:
A report highlighting the Japanese language assessment workshop for teachers, the Association for Japanese Literary Studies Conference in addition to the East Asian Psycholinguistics Colloquium.
This expanded edition includes extensive faculty updates as well as student news. Community outreach and teacher training initiatives are highlighted. Also listed are important dates and information regarding upcoming 2013 Center events. We hope you enjoy reading about East Asian events on campus as much as we enjoyed featuring them in this latest issue of EASC expOSUre. Enjoy!