Call for Student Volunteers for 28th International Japanese-English Translators Conference (April 7-9)

January 18, 2017

Call for Student Volunteers for 28th International Japanese-English Translators Conference (April 7-9)

28th IJET Conference Logo

The East Asian Studies Center (EASC) is hosting the 28th International Japanese English-Translators (IJET) Conference with the Japan Association of Translators at The Ohio State University on April 7-9, 2017. The conference, which will include numerous presentations on issues related to Japanese-English translation, will welcome around 150 professional Japanese translators as well as faculty and students from the U.S. and Japan.

We are looking for 15-20 student volunteers (both graduate and undergraduate) interested in Japanese-English translation to help with the conference. While the conference registration fee for OSU students is $50, those who work as volunteers can attend some conference sessions free of charge. Interested students should send FileFile an application to Nathan Lancaster at by Friday, February 3, 2017.