Undergraduate EASC Scholarships

In addition to the Undergraduate FLAS Fellowship, the East Asian Studies Center offers several scholarships for undergraduate students at The Ohio State University focusing on East Asia.

Previous Intensive Chinese Language and Louise Zung-Nyi Loh Memorial Scholarship awardees are not eligible to apply again.

EASC-based Undergraduate Scholarship Programs

Intensive Chinese Language Scholarship

Apply Online through March 7, 2025: 

EASC Intensive Chinese Language Scholarship Application 2025

Sponsor: The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center

Open to: OSU undergraduates

Description: EASC, contingent upon available funds, will offer scholarships in the amount of $1,500 for intensive Chinese language study during the summer or academic year. The purpose of these awards is to encourage students to accelerate their acquisition of Chinese language skills while pursuing double majors or dual degree programs in Chinese language and related fields. OSU undergraduates who will be enrolled in Chinese language courses above the first-year (1101-1102) level are eligible. This includes students who will have completed either 1) first-year Chinese at OSU or another institution with comparable results, or 2) Summer Intensive Chinese at OSU or another institution with comparable results. Preference will be given to students who 1) will be enrolled in the Intensive Chinese Program or who have already been pursuing an accelerated course of Chinese language study, and 2) are presently pursuing a double major or dual degree program or who have demonstrable plans for doing so.

Application Process: Items needed to complete the online application include: a statement describing your present and proposed future academic program and the role of Chinese language in that program (maximum of one single-spaced, typed page; in pdf format) and an up-to-date OSU advising report. Applicants are also responsible for ensuring the submission of three letters of recommendation (using the Recommendation Form above) by the application deadline. At least one of the letters should be from a person who has taught you in formal Chinese language courses and can evaluate your current speaking, listening, reading, and writing capabilities, and at least one should be from a faculty member (i.e. assistant professor, associate professor, or professor).

Deadline: March 7, 2025

Contact: East Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State University, Phone: 614 688-4253; E-mail: easc@osu.edu


Louise Zung-Nyi Loh Memorial Scholarship

Apply Online through March 7, 2025: 

EASC Louise Zung-Nyi Loh Memorial Scholarship Application 2025

Sponsor: The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center

Open to: OSU undergraduate or graduate students in any department or major who have an academic specialization and/or research interests in East Asian studies

Description: Scholarships range from $400 to $1,600.

Application Process: Items needed to complete the online application include: a statement describing your present and proposed future academic program and research interests in East Asian studies, and a description of how the scholarship would assist you in meeting your academic goals (maximum of one single-spaced, typed page; in pdf format); an up-to-date OSU advising report; and a CV or resume (in pdf format). Applicants are also responsible for ensuring the submission of two letters of recommendation (using the Recommendation Form above) by the application deadline.

Deadline: March 7, 2025

Contact: East Asian Studies Center, The Ohio State University, Phone: 614-247-5364; E-mail: easc@osu.edu

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