September 9, 2023 (Saturday) online
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET (Everyone)
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET (NCTA 2023 Cohort only)
Tanya Maus, Peace Resource Center at Wilmington College
Ann Marie Davis, The Ohio State University
Angie Stokes, Wayne Trace Jr/Sr High School
Join us in a cross-curricular exploration of the primary source materials about nuclear weapons and the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, Japan through the lens of the “Voyage of the Phoenix. (1954-1958)” The voyage was initiated by the Reynolds family and several Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors: together they traveled 54,000 nautical miles stopping at over 120 ports sharing their experiences and ideas regarding the nuclear weapons with those they met. Primary source materials provided by the Peace Resource Center at Wilmington College and other resources will showcase this historic voyage and feature the movement people and ideas around the globe regarding the nuclear devastation of Hiroshima as well as the early nuclear disarmament movement.
Asynchronous background video links provided
Free and Open to the Public
If you require an accommodation, such as live captioning, to participate in this event, please contact smith.12674@osu.edu. Requests made at least two weeks in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.
This event is coordinated by the East Asian Studies Center at The Ohio State University . Sponsors: University of Pittsburgh national coordinating site for the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia (NCTA) Asian Studies Center, University Center for International Studies and a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant to the East Asian Studies Center at The Ohio State University.