ICS Target Language Lecture Lecture: Liu Cheng-Shan, 台灣的中國兩難——從自我認同到世界認可的挑戰Taiwan's China Dilemma- From Self-Identity to the Challenges of World Recognition

Frank Liu headshot
April 2, 2025
12:00PM - 1:30PM
The Faculty Club, North Dining Room

Date Range
2025-04-02 12:00:00 2025-04-02 13:30:00 ICS Target Language Lecture Lecture: Liu Cheng-Shan, 台灣的中國兩難——從自我認同到世界認可的挑戰Taiwan's China Dilemma- From Self-Identity to the Challenges of World Recognition The Institute for Chinese Studies presents:台灣的中國兩難——從自我認同到世界認可的挑戰Taiwan's China Dilemma- From Self-Identity to the Challenges of World RecognitionLiu Cheng-ShanThe Ohio State UniversityLunch will be served at this event. Registration required. 需要注册登录,供应午餐Abstract: The relationship between China and Taiwan is not merely a continuation of the Chinese Civil War or a matter of unification versus independence. However, decision-making elites' interpretations of these two dimensions have intensified geopolitical tensions in the Taiwan Strait. This talk draws on empirical data to examine Taiwanese voters closely, offering insights into how Taiwan can navigate its “China dilemma” and how China can move beyond its “peace or war dilemma.”中國與台灣的關係不只是中國內戰的延續,亦不只是統獨問題,但光是決策菁英在這兩個面向的理解就已造成了台灣海峽地緣政治下的更加緊繃的局面。本講從實證資料出發,近距離觀察台灣的選民,提供台灣在克服「中國兩難」以及中國超越「和戰兩難」的一些思考線索。    The Faculty Club, North Dining Room America/New_York public

The Institute for Chinese Studies presents:


Taiwan's China Dilemma- From Self-Identity to the Challenges of World Recognition

Liu Cheng-Shan
The Ohio State University

Lunch will be served at this event. Registration required. 需要注册登录,供应午餐

Abstract: The relationship between China and Taiwan is not merely a continuation of the Chinese Civil War or a matter of unification versus independence. However, decision-making elites' interpretations of these two dimensions have intensified geopolitical tensions in the Taiwan Strait. This talk draws on empirical data to examine Taiwanese voters closely, offering insights into how Taiwan can navigate its “China dilemma” and how China can move beyond its “peace or war dilemma.”




Free and Open to the Public 

If you require an accommodation, such as live captioning, to participate in this event, please contact EASC at easc@osu.edu. Requests made at least two weeks in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date. 

This event is supported by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant to The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center.