2018 ICS Graduate Forum
Date: Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Time: 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Page Hall 020 (1810 College Road)
Welcome to the Institute for Chinese Studies' eighth year of hosting the ICS Graduate Forum! This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required, and everyone is welcome! Come out to support our graduate students! Attend some or all three sessions!
(pdf)The ICS Graduate Forum, which is held each spring, is one of the many events organized by the Institute for Chinese Studies at OSU's East Asian Studies Center. The annual ICS Graduate Forum provides OSU graduate students in China-related fields a venue for presenting their research. It gives students whose abstracts have been accepted for presentation at a regional, national or international conference an opportunity to rehearse their presentation. Topics for presentation may deal with any aspect of China or the Chinese language; and can come from any discipline: humanities, social sciences, STEM, historical or modern, etc., etc. Also welcomed are presentations by graduate students who are completing their dissertation as well as those who wish to practice delivering a conference-style presentation.
2018 ICS Graduate Forum: Re-Imagining China's Past and Present
Date: Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Time: 4:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Page Hall, Room 042 (1810 College Road)
4:00 Welcoming Remarks
Professor Mark Bender, Chair, Department of E. Asian Languages and Literatures (DEALL)
4:10 - 5:40 Session 1. Literacy and Literature (Presenters: 20 + 10 min. Q&A's)
Chair: Professor Mark Bender (DEALL)
- Female Literacy in Chinese Painting of the 1950s: Teaching Mama to Read
Yin, Yanfei (Department of History of Art)
- Hui Literature: Negotiating Ethnicity in Literary Writing
De Grandis, Mario (Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures)
- Poets and their Children in East Asian Society: Sugawara no Michizane’s Kanshi of his Children in Chinese Context
Zhang, Xiyue (Interdisciplinary East Asian Studies)
5:40 - 6:00 Pizza Break
6:00 - 7:00 Session 2. Newspapers, Rare Books and the 798 Beijing Art Zone (Presenters: 15 + 5 min. Q&A's)
Chair: Professor Christopher Reed (Department of History)
- Speaking to the Emperor: Official Newspapers and Reformist Literati’s Political Participation, 1895-1911
Zhou, Nan Nigel (Department of History)
- Dust of the Song Dynasty: Huang Pilie (1763-1825) and His Collection of Song Editions
Shan, Fred Yi (Department of History)
- Negotiations among Multiple Powers over Space: Reconstructing the Beijing 798 Art Zone
Gao, Jingying (Interdisciplinary East Asian Studies)
7:10 - 7:50 Session 3. Topics in Chinese Language and Linguistics (Presenters: 15 + 5 min. Q&As)
Chair: Professor Marjorie Chan (DEALL)
- Mandarin Tone 2: An Acoustic Study of Native and Non-Native Speakers’ Production
Cornelius, Crista & Mu, Bing (Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures)
- Northern and Southern Chinese Speakers' Rhotacization of Mandarin Open Syllables
Yang, Seojin (Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures)
7:50 - 8:00 Closing Remarks
Professor Marjorie Chan, Director, Institute for Chinese Studies (ICS), East Asian Studies Center
Free and open to the public.
This event is sponsored in part by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant to The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center.