Part of the Institute for Chinese Studies "Understanding China -- Its Roots and New Frontiers" Lecture Series
"Hong Shen and the Modern Mediasphere in Republican Era China ”
Monday, November 18, 2013
Campus Reading Room (11th Floor), Thompson Library
1858 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, Ohio
Hong Shen Symposium: In conjunction with the performances of The Wedded Husband, a symposium will be held on November 18, 2013, on the subject of Hong Shen (洪深, 1894-1955) and intermediality in modern Chinese cultural production. In recent years, scholars have increasingly begun to realize that the discrete cultural artifacts—books, films, journals, radio, records, and so forth—circulating in the early part of the twentieth century in urban China, particularly in Shanghai, cannot be studied in isolation from one another, but need to be considered as interconnected parts of a larger mediasphere. Since Hong Shen, perhaps to a greater degree than any of his contemporaries, was simultaneously active in multiple domains, his career, work, and networks provide an ideal lens through which to examine and disentangle how different forms of media converged to create new social, cultural, and political possibilities. The symposium brings together some of the leadings scholars of modern Chinese drama and film to put Hong Shen’s varied contributions in this larger cultural context.
Morning Session (9:00-12:30)
Lisa Carter (OSU Libraries, Associate Director of Special Collections)
Kirk A. Denton (Ohio State University)
Opening Remarks
Siyuan Liu (University of British Columbia)
The Role of Two Beijing Newspapers in the National Theatre Movement Debate
Megan Ammirati (University of California, Davis)
Hong Shen and Gender-Straight Casting; Inevitable Impersonations in Yama Zhao
Liang Luo (University of Kentucky)
Hong Shen, Tian Han, and Intermediality
Afternoon Session (1:30-4:00)
Man He (Ohio State University)
When S/He Is Not Nora: Global Citizens, Chinese Dramatists, and Their Staging Experiences in 1910s America
Xuelei Huang (University of Edinburgh)
Mediating, Interlinking, and Multitasking: Hong Shen at the Mingxing (Star) Motion Picture Company, 1925-1937
Xiaomei Chen (University of California, Davis)
Mapping a New Dramatic Canon: Rewriting the Legacy of Hong Shen
Patricia Sieber (Ohio State University)
Concluding Remarks
* * * * *
Two other Hong Shen events are:
1) Shanghai Old and New (新旧上海; 1936) - film-screening on November 7, and
2) The Wedded Husband
. Information is also available on that web page introducing the Hong Shen Project.
- Press releases include:
People's Daily (人民网): 百年后的重现:美国大学校园上演洪深剧作 (10.28.2013)
College of Arts and Sciences, The Ohio State University
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
Institute for Chinese Studies
East Asian Studies Center
Department of Theatre
Graduate Association of Chinese Linguistics
Graduate Students of East Asian Languages and Literatures
University Libraries