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ICS Lecture: Dongbo Bian, "对話的對話:蘇軾和陶詩的宋代注釋書 Dialogue's Dialogue: Annotations on the Attached Poems to Tao Yuanming written by Su Shi in Song Dynasty"

April 22, 2015
3:30PM - 5:30PM
Hagerty Hall, room 388 (1775 College Road)

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Add to Calendar 2015-04-22 15:30:00 2015-04-22 17:30:00 ICS Lecture: Dongbo Bian, "对話的對話:蘇軾和陶詩的宋代注釋書 Dialogue's Dialogue: Annotations on the Attached Poems to Tao Yuanming written by Su Shi in Song Dynasty" Institute for Chinese Studies presents the "Global and Transnational Experiences" Lecture Series"对話的對話:蘇軾和陶詩的宋代注釋書 Dialogue's Dialogue: Annotations on the Attached Poems to Tao Yuanming (Hetaoshi) written by Su Shi in Song Dynasty"Flyer: DongboBianFlyer.pdfAbstract:和陶詩是宋代出現的新文類,是陶淵明及其異代知音蘇軾之間的對話;而在宋代出現了數種蘇軾和陶詩的注釋書,則是這些注釋書的注者與蘇軾之間的對話。目前現存宋人所作的蘇軾和陶詩注釋書有四種,其中保存在韓國的、由南宋遺民蔡正孫所編的《精刊補注東坡和陶詩話》中的就有三種。最完整的和陶詩宋人注釋是施元之、顧禧《注東坡先生詩》卷四十一、卷四十二兩卷,其注採取了李善注《文選》的方式,注重典故的勾稽,但亦能結合當時的時事箋釋坡詩。其最大的價值在於其題下注,對和陶詩的背景及涉及的人物進行了詳細的注解。傅共所著的《東坡和陶詩解》是目前可知最早的蘇軾和陶詩注本,其注不但有文本校勘,典故解釋,而且還能結合注者本人親自考察東坡生前遺跡之經歷來注詩。蔡夢弼的《東坡和陶詩集注》以解意見勝,其闡釋受到了朱子學的影響。蔡正孫的《和陶詩話》是現存最早的蘇軾和陶詩研究專書,其注釋主要集中在和陶詩創作背景的介紹、和陶詩典故的補注以及和陶詩詩意的闡發上。從這些和陶詩的注釋中,我們也可以聽到這些宋代注釋家的聲音。There are four works about the annotations on the attached poems to Tao Yuanming(Hetao shi) composed by Su Shi in Song Dynasty, three of which are preserved in one book titled “The Elaborate Edition and Supplement Annotation of Poetry Remark on the attached poems to Tao Yuanming by Su Shi”(Jingkan buzhu Dongpo hetao shihua), complied late in 1200s by a Song Dynasty loyalist Cai Zhengsun, which is now collected in South Korea. This speech will explore these four works and its cultural significance. Bio:Professor Bian Dongbo focuses his research on Classical Chinese Literature during Early Medieval and Tang-Song Period. He is the author of a number of books, including Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige: A Critical Study (Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007), Anthologies and the Poetics in Southern Song Dynasty (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2009), Studies on the Poetry Remarks and Poetic Bibliographies in Song Dynasty (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2013). He is also the translator of The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic (by Haun Saussy of the University of Chicago, Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2009). He was the Visiting Scholar at Harvard-Yenching Institute(2008-2009) of Harvard University, the Visiting Associate Professor at Kyoto University(2011), and Exchange Researcher at Waseda University(2013). He is now the Visiting Scholar at the Department of EALC of Harvard University and the University of Chicago(2014-2015).**Please note this lecture will be in CHINESE language**  Hagerty Hall, room 388 (1775 College Road) East Asian Studies Center easc@osu.edu America/New_York public

Institute for Chinese Studies presents the "Global and Transnational Experiences" Lecture Series

"对話的對話:蘇軾和陶詩的宋代注釋書 Dialogue's Dialogue: Annotations on the Attached Poems to Tao Yuanming (Hetaoshi) written by Su Shi in Song Dynasty"

Flyer: DongboBianFlyer.pdf


There are four works about the annotations on the attached poems to Tao Yuanming(Hetao shi) composed by Su Shi in Song Dynasty, three of which are preserved in one book titled “The Elaborate Edition and Supplement Annotation of Poetry Remark on the attached poems to Tao Yuanming by Su Shi”(Jingkan buzhu Dongpo hetao shihua), complied late in 1200s by a Song Dynasty loyalist Cai Zhengsun, which is now collected in South Korea. This speech will explore these four works and its cultural significance.


Professor Bian Dongbo focuses his research on Classical Chinese Literature during Early Medieval and Tang-Song Period. He is the author of a number of books, including Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige: A Critical Study (Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House, 2007), Anthologies and the Poetics in Southern Song Dynasty (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2009), Studies on the Poetry Remarks and Poetic Bibliographies in Song Dynasty (Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2013). He is also the translator of The Problem of a Chinese Aesthetic (by Haun Saussy of the University of Chicago, Nanjing: Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2009). He was the Visiting Scholar at Harvard-Yenching Institute(2008-2009) of Harvard University, the Visiting Associate Professor at Kyoto University(2011), and Exchange Researcher at Waseda University(2013). He is now the Visiting Scholar at the Department of EALC of Harvard University and the University of Chicago(2014-2015).

**Please note this lecture will be in CHINESE language**