OATJ Fall Meeting and Workshop
"Self-regulated learning to develop 'the ability to learn independently'"
Mieko Avello, Miami Palmetto Senior High School
Kazue Masuyama, California State University, Sacramento
Date/Time: Saturday, November 2, 2024, 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET)
Registration: Registration Link (Please register by Oct. 30)
Free of charge and open to the public, but a current AATJ or OATJ membership is required. Please renew your 2024 AATJ membership at http://www.aatj.org/membership, if you have not done so yet, or contact OATJ to become an OATJ member (annual membership fee: $15).
About this workshop:
How can we encourage learners to learn independently? This workshop will introduce attempts at fostering "self-regulated learning" aimed at nurturing autonomous learning in high schools and universities. Self-regulated learning is a process in which learners set their own goals, activate their cognition, emotions, and behavior towards those goals, create feedback loops, and monitor and adjust their learning. Assistance from others (peers, teachers, coaches) is also necessary. As an example from high school, attempts at self-regulated learning at the beginning of the semester (e.g., designing the learning environment, visualizing goals, "if-then" planning, imagining one's future self) will be introduced. In universities, examples of self-regulated learning activities focused on homework will be presented. Additionally, attempts to manage classes by using learners' behavioral psychology to "nudge" them into making better choices without them realizing it, and fostering more motivated engagement in self-regulated learning, will be introduced and discussed.
どうすれば学習者が自ら学んでくれるようになるのか。このワークショップでは、高校と大学で実践している『自ら学ぶ力』を育むための自己調整学習の試みを紹介します。自己調整学習とは、学習者が自分で目標を設定し、それに向かって認知、感情、行動を活性化し、フィードバックループを作り、自らの学びをモニターし、調整していくプロセスです。他者(仲間、教師、コーチ)からの援助も必要です。高校の活動例としては学期の始めに行う自己調整学習(例:環境設計、目標の可視化、"もし〜なら" 計画、未来の自分を想像する)の試みを紹介します。大学では、宿題にフォーカスを当てた自己調整学習活動の例を紹介します。また、学習者の行動心理を利用して、学習者が気づかないうちにより良い選択ができるように『ナッジ(nudge)』を行い、学習者がより意欲的に自己調整学習に取り組めるような授業運営の試みも紹介し、考察します。
If you require an accommodation, such as live captioning, to participate in this event, please contact EASC at easc@osu.edu. Requests made at least two weeks in advance of the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.
Co-sponsors: This event is presented by the Ohio Association of Teachers of Japanese (OATJ) and sponsored in part by the Japan Foundation, the East Asian Studies Center, and a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant to the East Asian Studies Center at The Ohio State University.