BEAL Forum 5 is Free and Open to the Public, but Registration is Required.
Online Registration:
– Please register online here by Sunday, 23 October 2022.
BEAL Forum 5 – Program Schedule
Date: Friday, 28 October 2022 – Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Venue: CarmenZoom Meeting
Note on Zoom Meeting Rooms:
- Plenary Sessions (1, 2, 3), and welcoming and closing remarks are all in one Zoom meeting room: Zoom A.
- Parallel Sessions (I, II): The two sets of Parallel Sessions are in one of three separate Zoom meeting rooms, each with a separate Zoom link: Zoom A, Zoom B, or Zoom C.
~~ BEAL Forum 5 Program Book (pdf file, 7 MB) ~~
8:50 – 9:00 a.m. EDT. Welcome & Opening Remarks (Zoom A)
Wei William Zhou, GREALL President & GACL Immed. Past President, OSU
Professor Mark Bender, Chair, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, OSU
9:00 – 10:20 a.m. Plenary Session 1 (Zoom A)
Chair: Professor Marjorie K.M. Chan (OSU)
Speaker: Professor Peggy Pik Ki Mok (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Lecture Title: “The Acquisition of Lexical Tone in Various Contexts”
– Abstract & short bio
10:20 – 10:25 a.m. Break
10:25 – 11:45 a.m. Parallel Session I (Zooms A, B, C)
(Sessions A-I, B-I & C-I — See details below on the three parallel session presentations.)
11:45 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch Break
1:00 – 2:20 p.m. Plenary Session 2 (Zoom A)
Chair: Professor George Chunsheng Yang (U of Connecticut)
Speaker: Professor Hana Kang (University of Notre Dame)
Lecture Title: “The Analysis of Communicative Competence in Korean Textbooks: Intercultural Competence Approach”
– Abstract & short bio
2:20 – 2:25 p.m. Break
2:25 – 3:25 p.m. Parallel Session II (Zooms A, B, C)
(Sessions A-II, B-II & C-II — See details below on the three parallel session presentations.)
3:25 – 3:30 p.m. Break
3:30 – 4:50 p.m. Plenary Session 3 (Zoom A)
Chair: Professor Mineharu Nakayama (OSU)
Speaker: Professor Masahiko Minami (San Francisco State University)
Lecture Title: “Perspective-taking in Adult Japanese-language Learners’ Oral Narratives: A Cross-linguistic Comparison”
– Abstract & short bio
4:50 – 5:00 p.m. Closing Remarks (Zoom A)
Jinwei Ye, GACL President, OSU (on behalf of the BEAL Forum 5 Organizing Committee)
Parallel Session I. 10:25 – 11:45 a.m.
(20 minutes x 4 talks x 3 Zoom meeting rooms)
Session A-I (Zoom A)
Chair: Marjorie Chan
10:25 a.m. Cindy Wan Yee Lau (University of Wollongong College Hong Kong)
“Double Dislocation Focus Construction in Cantonese”
10:45 a.m. Xi Chen (University of Hong Kong)
“Lexical Influence of Cantonese on Teochew Dialect — A Case Study of a Chaozhou Immigrant Family in Guangzhou”
11:05 a.m. Yin-To Chui & Zhen Qin (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
“Do Cantonese Speakers Exhibit Distributional Learning Effects on the Acquisition and Consolidation of Mandarin Tones?”
11:25 a.m. Xuan Ye (The Ohio State University)
“Shanghainese Dialect Writing in Subtitles in Digital Media”
Session B-I (Zoom B)
Chair: Skylor Gomes
10:25 a.m. Zhixian Huang & Margaret Lei (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
“Disambiguating Ji in Mandarin: Insights from Child Language”
10:45 a.m. Yizhuo Zhang (Beijing Foreign Studies University)
“Bushi as the Evaluative Negation in Mandarin Chinese”
11:05 a.m. Erli Tang, Li-Fang Lai, & Eric Pelezl, (Pennsylvania State University)
“Mandarin Influence on Shanghainese Fricatives”
11:25 a.m. Emily Koenders (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
“The Count Mass Distinction in Hong Kong Sign Language”
Session C-I (Zoom C)
Chair: Etsuyo Yuasa
10:25 a.m. Reina Mogushi (University of Tsukuba)
“Effects of Prosodic Cues and Semantic Plausibility on JLEs’ Processing of Structurally Ambiguous Utterances”
10:45 a.m. Min Kim (University of Tsukuba)
“Acquisition of English Non-anaphoric Bridging Definite by Japanese Learners: Focusing on Lexical Sensitivity Regarding Situational Uniqueness”
11:05 a.m. Manami Hattori (University of Tsukuba)
“Acquisition of Japanese Relative Clause with Resumptive Pronouns by Chinese Learners”
11:25 a.m. Yuka Fujii (University of Tsukuba)
“Mapping Issues of the Acquisition of L2 Japanese Aspect Markings by Chinese Learners”
Parallel Session II. 2:25 – 3:25 p.m.
(20 minutes x 3 talks x 3 Zoom meeting rooms)
Session A-II (Zoom A)
Chair: Marjorie Chan
2:25 p.m. Hyun Bae (University of Wisconsin)
“The Effect of Syntactically Different L2 Input on L2 Parsing Preference”
2:45 p.m. Seojin Yang (The Ohio State University)
“Korean Aegyo Speech Style: Infantilization of Sounds”
3:05 p.m. Grainger Lanneau (University of Washington)
“Glottal Stop Initials and Nasalization in Sino-Vietnamese and Southern Chinese”
Session B-II (Zoom B)
Chair: Zhiguo Xie
2:25 p.m. Yuyang Liu & Ka-Fai Yip (Yale University)
“High vs. Low ‘Again’: Mandarin you vs. zai and Cantonese -faan vs. -gwo
2:45 p.m. Adæmrys Chihjen Cheng (University of Ottawa)
“Cartographic Syntax Approach on Taiwanese U ‘Have’”
3:05 p.m. Paul Cockrum (The Ohio State University)
“Taiwanese Southern Min Tone and Melody Interaction”
Session C-II (Zoom C)
Chair: Mineharu Nakayama
2:25 p.m. Jared Sharp & Brian Hayden (University at Buffalo)
“The Typology of Manchu-Sibe Ideophones in Areal and Genetic Perspective”
2:45 p.m. Yuki Hattori (The Ohio State University)
“L2 Japanese Proficiency and Working Memory Capacity”
3:05 p.m. Saori Wakita (The Ohio State University)
“Orthographic Influence in Processing Katakana and Kanji Nouns in Japanese”
BEAL Forum 5 Organizing Committee
Faculty Co-Chairs: Mineharu Nakayama, Marjorie K.M. Chan, and Zhiguo Xie
Student Co-Chairs: Jinwei Ye & Wei William Zhou
Committee Members: Paul Cockrum, Skylor Gomes, Ka Fai Law, Yuki Hattori, Shengxiang Lin, Shun Maruyama, Caroline Norfleet, Saori Wakita, Seojin Yang, Xuan Ye, and Yuhong Zhu
East Asian Studies Center, Graduate Association of Chinese Linguistics (GACL), Graduate Students of East Asian Languages and Literatures (GREALL), Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (DEALL), Department of Linguistics, and the Buckeye Language Network (BLN).
This event is sponsored in part by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant for The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center, programming fund for GACL from the Council on Student Affairs, and by the James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund.
East Asian Studies Center, Graduate Association of Chinese Linguistics (GACL), Graduate Students of East Asian Languages and Literatures (GREALL), Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures (DEALL), Department of Linguistics, and the Buckeye Language Network.
This event is sponsored in part by the James H-Y. Tai Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Fund and by a U.S. Department of Education Title VI grant for The Ohio State University East Asian Studies Center.