September 7, 2018
Page Hall Room 10 (1810 College Rd.)
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2018-09-07 16:30:00
2018-09-07 18:00:00
EASC Career Event: Japanese Interpretation Demonstration
East Asian Studies Center presents: Kenneth Lantz Senior Manager/Chief Engineer, Power Plant Division, Hybrid Dept/Engine Design Dept, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Koji Sasamoto (on assignment from Honda R&D, Tochigi, Japan) Senior Engineer, Transmission Division, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Kay Nason Senior Manager/Chief Interpreter, Language Services, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. RSVP Requested. Space Limited. Registration Link This simultaneous interpretation demonstration, given by Ms. Kay Nason (Head Interpreter at Honda Americas), will show how interpretation is done in a highly technical and business context. Mr. Lantz will present "Honda R&D Overview," and Mr. Sasamoto will present "How Super-Handling All Wheel Drive works (SH-AWD)." Ms. Nason will simultaneously interpret their presentations and the entire event from English to Japanese and Japanese to English. Also, she and the engineers will discuss what is required of interpreters to survive and exceed at highly technical and fast-paced environment that constantly requires innovations. Co-Sponsors: East Asian Studies Center, Honda R&D Americas, Inc., U.S. Department of Education Title VI Grant to the East Asian Studies Center
Interpreting_Sept7_flyer_final.pdf (opens in a new window)500.81 KB
Free and open to the public.Contact: Janet Smith, East Asian Studies Center,, 614-292-3345,
Page Hall Room 10 (1810 College Rd.)
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2018-09-07 17:30:00
2018-09-07 19:00:00
EASC Career Event: Japanese Interpretation Demonstration
East Asian Studies Center presents: Kenneth Lantz Senior Manager/Chief Engineer, Power Plant Division, Hybrid Dept/Engine Design Dept, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Koji Sasamoto (on assignment from Honda R&D, Tochigi, Japan) Senior Engineer, Transmission Division, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. Kay Nason Senior Manager/Chief Interpreter, Language Services, Honda R&D Americas, Inc. RSVP Requested. Space Limited. Registration Link This simultaneous interpretation demonstration, given by Ms. Kay Nason (Head Interpreter at Honda Americas), will show how interpretation is done in a highly technical and business context. Mr. Lantz will present "Honda R&D Overview," and Mr. Sasamoto will present "How Super-Handling All Wheel Drive works (SH-AWD)." Ms. Nason will simultaneously interpret their presentations and the entire event from English to Japanese and Japanese to English. Also, she and the engineers will discuss what is required of interpreters to survive and exceed at highly technical and fast-paced environment that constantly requires innovations. Co-Sponsors: East Asian Studies Center, Honda R&D Americas, Inc., U.S. Department of Education Title VI Grant to the East Asian Studies Center Free and open to the public.Contact: Janet Smith, East Asian Studies Center,, 614-292-3345,
Page Hall Room 10 (1810 College Rd.)
East Asian Studies Center presents:
Kenneth Lantz
Senior Manager/Chief Engineer, Power Plant Division, Hybrid Dept/Engine Design Dept, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
Koji Sasamoto (on assignment from Honda R&D, Tochigi, Japan)
Senior Engineer, Transmission Division, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
Kay Nason
Senior Manager/Chief Interpreter, Language Services, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
RSVP Requested. Space Limited. Registration Link
This simultaneous interpretation demonstration, given by Ms. Kay Nason (Head Interpreter at Honda Americas), will show how interpretation is done in a highly technical and business context. Mr. Lantz will present "Honda R&D Overview," and Mr. Sasamoto will present "How Super-Handling All Wheel Drive works (SH-AWD)." Ms. Nason will simultaneously interpret their presentations and the entire event from English to Japanese and Japanese to English. Also, she and the engineers will discuss what is required of interpreters to survive and exceed at highly technical and fast-paced environment that constantly requires innovations.
Co-Sponsors: East Asian Studies Center, Honda R&D Americas, Inc., U.S. Department of Education Title VI Grant to the East Asian Studies Center
Free and open to the public.
Contact: Janet Smith, East Asian Studies Center,, 614-292-3345,