EASC Panel Discussion: How to Become a Translator or Interpreter

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October 27, 2016
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Mendenhall Lab, Rm 191 (125 S. Oval Mall, OSU Campus)

Date Range
2016-10-27 17:30:00 2016-10-27 19:00:00 EASC Panel Discussion: How to Become a Translator or Interpreter Japanese Interpretation and Translation Series 2016-17      日本語通訳翻訳 2016-17Thinking of how to turn your Japanese skills into a career? Why not try translation!This panel of professional translators and interpreters can tell you what the work is like and what you need to do to get that job. FlyerPanel:Interpreters (both in-house and freelance):Miyako Okamoto, MAO Japanese Communications, LLC (previous: Honda of America’s East Liberty Plant)Denise Fisher, Accurate Japanese Translation Services, LLC (previous: Honda R&D Americas, Inc.)Translators (both in-house and freelance):Philip Soldini, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.Betsy Bender, Templefield TranslationsProf. Judy Wakabayashi, Kent State UniversityModerator/JAT representative:Allyson Larimer, Executive Interpreter, Nissen Chemitec AmericaCo-Sponsors:    East Asian Studies CenterDepartment of East Asian Languages and LiteraturesU.S. Department of Education Title VI GrantJapan Association of Translators (JAT)Free and open to the public.Series website: http://easc.osu.edu/translation_interpretationSeries poster: Series Poster Mendenhall Lab, Rm 191 (125 S. Oval Mall, OSU Campus) America/New_York public

Japanese Interpretation and Translation Series 2016-17      
日本語通訳翻訳 2016-17

Thinking of how to turn your Japanese skills into a career? Why not try translation!

This panel of professional translators and interpreters can tell you what the work is like and what you need to do to get that job.

PDF icon PDF icon PDF icon Flyer

Interpreters (both in-house and freelance):

  • Miyako Okamoto, MAO Japanese Communications, LLC (previous: Honda of America’s East Liberty Plant)
  • Denise Fisher, Accurate Japanese Translation Services, LLC (previous: Honda R&D Americas, Inc.)

Translators (both in-house and freelance):

  • Philip Soldini, Honda R&D Americas, Inc.
  • Betsy Bender, Templefield Translations

Prof. Judy Wakabayashi, Kent State University

Moderator/JAT representative:
Allyson Larimer, Executive Interpreter, Nissen Chemitec America

East Asian Studies Center
Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
U.S. Department of Education Title VI Grant
Japan Association of Translators (JAT)

Free and open to the public.

Series website: http://easc.osu.edu/translation_interpretation
Series poster: PDF icon Series Poster